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Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

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Thursday 1st April 2021

Megan discusses TikTok success

A Year 13 student at Stamford Sixth Form, Megan Bolton, has seen the following on her TikTok channel rise to over 1.7 million followers, with over 113 million likes on her 'different types of people' comedy videos.TikTok is a video based social media platform, with over 689 million monthly active users worldwide. Megan began her channel for fun in March last year, during the first lockdown. It has since become a full-time job, which she manages to fit in around her studies.We spoke to Megan about how she feels about her channel's growth:"I am so overwhelmed with the amount of support I have received from fans as well as friends and family, but I don’t think I will ever fully come to terms with the massive growth that has occurred over my social media platforms in such a short amount of time."I feel like due to being at school, my attention and mentality is very divided and so I'm not wholly focusing on TikTok and therefore I do not have time to appreciate and enjoy the social media journey completely."After school I intend to go on a gap year to continue my journey on social media, but continue it as a full time job where I will be able to fully commit to all platforms including Youtube, which I cannot commit to currently due to my school work. I hope to collaborate with other influencers as well as actors, and will continue to audition and self tape for films and TV Shows in my gap year."To read Megan's full interview, pick up your copy of our Stamford Magazine, which is due to be released within the coming months.The Arts