Discover what Stamford has to offer!

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 23rd November 2021

Making a Splash at Stowe Swimming Gala

Students from the Stamford Schools have achieved first to fifth positions in the Stowe Swimming Gala.The mixed team travelled to Stowe to compete in a variety of races across different strokes.The whole meet was a resounding success with multiple medals won. Stamford High School students took home first, second and two third places. Stamford School students picked up strong fourth and fifth places against some hard competition.The team were inspired by their Vice Captains, singing pre-match anthems and a shoutout on the radio: [gallery size="medium" columns="2" link="none" ids="|,|,|,|,|,|"]To read more swimming news from the Schools, please click here.Banner 2021 - Sport Mixed Junior