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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 1st January 1970

History of SES Norwegian Exchange

Our Schools Archivist, James Buckman, has been researching the Schools' foreign exchange programmes. So far, we have explored the French (read more) , German (read more) and Russian (read more)  and Spanish (read more) exchanges. Below James discusses the Norwegian exchange programme.Norwegian Exchange The Norwegian Exchange Trip between Stamford School and Royken School started in the academic year of 2003/04.In October 2003, ten Sixth Form students and two members of staff hosted a party of the same size from Norway; they were given the opportunity to hone their impressive English-speaking skills, as well to see sights around Stamford, London and Cambridge. In return, the Stamford party was treated to a week in Norway in February 2004.  The return trip cemented the relationship, and the hope that this would be the first of many was fulfilled.“The Norwegian exchange is very similar in format to all the other exchanges that the schools run with one exception. You don’t have to know any Norwegian, as all our hosts speak perfect English!”