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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 24th June 2020

Gina shares experiences on YouTube

Throughout the lockdown period, a Stamford Sixth Form student has taken the opportunity to begin a YouTube channel, sharing her experiences as a drama student, with her first video achieving over 1500 views in its first fortnight.Gina Kilby, Year 13, began the channel in May, inspired by Old Stamfordian, Kayleigh Waterman.Having posted five videos to date, Gina is passionate to document her experience auditioning and attending drama school, which she hopes to be joining in September of this year.You can watch her first video below, or view all of her videos on her YouTube channel, here.Discussing her experience starting the channel, Gina said: “I was inspired by lots of other Drama School related YouTube Channels, including OS Kayleigh Waterman. I loved the content they were creating and thought that I would give it a go.I’d always been interested in the idea of starting a channel, but was always too scared. I thought that now is the best time to make one, when I’m stuck at home not doing anything! Within days my first video had over 1000 views, which I never thought would happen! That gave me a boost of confidence and made me want to continue.New content is posted to Gina's channel every Saturday at 5pm GMT, with the aim to increase her uploads in September.Gina also recently performed in the Schools' production of 'Legally Blonde', where she played the role of Serena, one of the 'The Delta Nus' - the sorority house of which the lead character, Elle, is the president.Read more about the production of Legally Blonde here.