Discover what Stamford has to offer!

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning (Year 12 only)
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

To attend our Year 8 Options Evening on Thursday 9 January please contact our Admissions team.

Monday 25th September 2017

Foundation Lecture: Dan Cuickshank

On Friday 22nd of September, Stamford Endowed Schools played host to the TV personality Dan Cruickshank.Dan is well known for his love of architecture, having presented TV programs such as ‘Britain’s Best Buildings’, which examined architectural details of culturally significant buildings in the UK. His talk followed the theme ‘Georgian Towns and Cities: Works of Urban Art by Accident’, and follows an investigation into domestic Georgian properties and the design details and ideas that gives buildings from this period their classic look.Drawing on his experience and research working to conserve Georgian properties, the lecture took us across the country from East London to Dorset, Bath, Derbyshire and our very own Stamford.