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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 8th November 2017

Excellence Abounds at the Stamford Endowed Schools

In September 2017, Stamford High School, Stamford School and Stamford Junior School (including Stamford Nursery School) were inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), the body approved by the Government for the inspection of independent schools. Three different teams of inspectors visited the Schools concurrently to assess the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development and regulatory compliance. The overall findings were outstanding.The Schools were rated as ‘Excellent’ (the highest level of achievement) in five out of six reports and ‘Good’ (the second highest level of achievement) in one report. The Schools were fully compliant with ISI regulations, which included a thorough assessment of pastoral, health and safety, staff recruitment, medical and boarding policies and procedures, as well as, its overall estate.Academic achievement was recognised across the board along with ILIC (independent learning and intellectual curiosity) and the benefits of the Stamford co-curricular offering together with the outstanding pastoral care.  Many of the inspectors’ comments show that Stamfordian Spirit is strongly in evidence in our pupils with numerous comments made about hard work, resilience, ambition, awareness of others and kindness.
Will Phelan, Principal, Stamford Endowed Schools comments,“These considerable achievements are the result of the Stamford community working together.  Whilst, we are naturally delighted with our academic achievements, which are at the heart of all we do, I am especially proud of the less tangible aspects such as, ethos and strong core values, that have become synonymous with our students: this is a culture by which we live and work and testament to the hard work by the whole Stamford community.Mr Phelan continues,“Our staff, parents and Governors have shown total dedication and hard work in ensuring that the Schools continue to achieve excellence in teaching, while inspiring and supporting their pupils. At every level, in every department across the three Schools, enormous thanks go to all 533 members of staff for their tremendous contributions to these outstanding achievements.”