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Junior School Discovery Morning

Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Friday 1st April 2022

DofE Awards Evening 2022

Students from across SS and SHS have successfully completed and received their Silver and Bronze DofE Awards.Over 150 students in Years 11 and 12 received certificates and over 80 families joined us to celebrate at an awards evening.An incredible completion rate has been achieved this year, with a 97% completion rate for those students who took part in an Bronze expedition and a 95% completion rate of those who took part in an Silver. In total the students have given over 2500 hours of volunteering time, between them.At the awards evening, students were also given a talk by guest speaker, Richard Astle, Chair of The Langdyke Trust and Natural Cambridgeshire. He spoke to the students on the benefits of volunteering throughout your life - thank you Richard for giving your time!For more news from Arts and Culture at Stamford, please click here.Banner 2021 - Co-corricular