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Debate Raises Money for Mental Health Charity

Old Stamfordian Tom Watson (OS 20) and Year 13 debating captain and Head Girl Kitty Henderson were awarded this year’s Oswald Elliott Cup this week in a research-rich and highly entertaining debate against staff team Nick Gallop and Sarah Sharman on the motion: “This House would abolish GCSE and A Level exams”.We were delighted to be able to hold the Oswald Elliott Cup charity debate in the Ancaster Studio, raising £200 for local mental health charity, Mindspace. The debate took place in front of a mixed audience of students of all ages, parents and staff, chaired by Year 11 Milo H.After exams were scrapped for two years during the pandemic in favour of teacher-assessed grades, the debate was right up to date and raised questions about the mental and physical health of our students and the value of exams as a form of assessment.Judges Daisy Jowers (OS 18) and classics teacher Mr Hyams awarded the Oswald Elliott debating cup, named in honour of Oswald Elliott, an Old Stamfordian who gave his life during WW1 and was involved with the debating society while he was at school.It was lovely to welcome back two Old Stamfordians for the debate: Tom Watson, who has just completed his first year studying mathematical physics at the University of Warwick and Daisy Jowers, who has just completed her PPE finals at Magdalen College, Oxford. Tom commented: “Being asked to debate for such a worthy cause was fantastic. Kitty spoke very well and the debate as a whole was extremely enjoyable. I’m glad that debating has continued to thrive since the pandemic.”Banner 2021 - Community