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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 13th May 2021

Cricket is the name of the game for Staff

With outdoor adult sport 'back on the menu' following Covid-19 restrictions lifting, the Stamford Schools' Staff cricket team took to the pitch for a tight match against Witham.Captain Murphy reflects on their recent game against Witham: “We scored 166 runs in our 20 overs – Hancock, Lang, Slack and Roche all retiring once scored 30. With Newman not out on 22. Sadly, Witham got these runs with a few over to spare."However, it is not the winning nor losing that matters, it is all about having a bit of fun and a chance to play rather than coach”.SES staff cricket was originally set up seven years ago by Mr A Murphy, Senior Deputy Head of SHS, and is still going strong.The club began to give the staff another outlet where they could have some fun together, whilst also being able to get to know and compete against other local schools and parents. Frequent competitors include Stamford parents, Witham, Uppingham, Oundle, Oakham and Burghley.Thank you and well done to the players involved in the match against Witham; Mr W Phelan, Mr B Hancock, Mr R Lang, Mr B Slack, Mr S Fell, Mr L Roche, Mr L Emerson, Mr M Newman, Mr A Smith, Mr D Stamp and Mr A Murphy.For more news from the Stamford Schools' community, please click here.Community banner