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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Sunday 8th December 2019

Championship gold again for Charlotte

Charlotte Bolton, Year 12 at Stamford High School, has added to her growing record of achievements, winning gold alongside her team in the U18 Mixed Relay at the British Rowing Indoor Championships.The team competed with focus and determination to win gold, breaking their current Championship record for the second year in a row within the J18 category, by rowing 2728 metres in just eight minutes.The Isle of Ely Centre J16 Team competed in the Championships at Olympic Park Velodrome in London earlier in December, against eleven other teams from across the United Kingdom.Charlotte additionally competed in an individual event for J16 Girls, placing her seventh fastest girl in the country with her row of 2000 metres in just under seven and a half minutes.