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Monday 25th July 2022

Celebrating A 50 Year Association With The School

David Lovell Brown, centre, with Miranda Rock, Governor of the Schools, and Duncan McIlrae, Head of Academic Music

Earlier this month Miranda Rock, Governor of the Stamford Schools, presented an award for long-serving staff to Mr David Lovell Brown, who is celebrating an incredible 50 year association with the Schools this year. Working as both a teacher and an organist, he has had a huge impact on generations of Old Stamfordians, as well as various communities across the country, as evidenced by organ playing in many different churches and cathedrals.

Starting out at Stamford School in 1972 as assistant director of music, he retired from teaching in 2007. As there was no other organist in the Music Department, then-Principal Dr Peter Mason asked Mr Brown to continue in the role of Chapel organist, a post which he continues to occupy to the present day.

Above: David Lovell Brown, pictured here in 1973 on the left side of the back row Below: Zoomed in on the above

In his 50 year career at the Schools, Mr Brown has played in 30 cathedrals, of which Coventry cathedral was his favourite, due to the positioning of the organ. He said “Most cathedrals that I have visited were built long before large organs were even thought of. The result is that the pipes (up to five or six thousand) are often sited in places which make life very tricky for organists and choirs. An exception to this rule is the new Coventry cathedral, where the organ was part of the whole design and the organist can see and hear the organ exactly as the choir and the congregation do. This makes it a joy to play, and I have been lucky enough to play there on two separate occasions.”

About the achievement, Mr Brown said “I didn’t plan to do 50 years, but as I got close I thought I’d give it a go!” Speaking after the award ceremony at the SES Sports Centre, he said of the changes he has seen while at the Schools, “When I came here this was a hillside, so we have changed the geography while I’ve been here! I am, though, most honoured to be included among other staff who have given so much of their lives to the Schools, and I will keep going as long as my hands keep working.”

This is not the first recognition for Mr Brown, as upon his retirement in 2007 he was also made an Honorary Life Member of the Old Stamfordian Club.

Congratulations to Mr Brown, on behalf of everyone here at the Schools.

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