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Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Monday 11th November 2019

CCF Remembrance Parade

Over 90 cadets and officers from Stamford Endowed Schools' Combined Cadet Force (CCF) marched in the Stamford Remembrance Parade, as part of the town’s Armistice commemorations. Fourteen other cadets and officers from the Contingent also participated in Barnack’s act of Remembrance – a commitment that the school has also honoured each Remembrance Sunday for many years.Mr Nick Davies, Deputy Headmaster of Stamford School, said: "Cadets, from all 3 sections, had spent several hours preparing for these events over the previous week. This meant lots of marching practice (in some fairly inclement weather), as well as committing to the challenge of preparing their uniforms to the highest possible standard in advance of the day. Given the importance of the occasion, the cadets were honoured to take part and were glad to have this opportunity to pay their respects to those who fought on our nation’s behalf over the last century."Remembrance parade 2019