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Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning (Year 12 only)
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Wednesday 25th September 2019

Burghley House Sculpture Exhibit engages Stamford Art Scholars

An enthusiastic group of Art Scholars and Prefects were privileged to receive a tour of the Form and Function art exhibit, held at Burghley House, from its curator, Michael Shaw, on the 25th September 2019.35 students across Years 9 to 13 visited the exhibit, which emphasized the conversation between the needs of purpose and the liberation of pure geometry, spoken through the means of sculpture. The students gained invaluable insight and experience as to what it takes to curate an art exhibition, whilst absorbing inspiration for their ongoing in-class artwork projects.  Following a tour of the exhibit, the students were given a chance to discuss the variety of artworks on display and create their own first-hand observational drawings of the pieces.The Form and Function display is part of Burghley House’s annual exhibit, which gleans interest through its use of distorted scale, unique mediums and supersizing within its sculptures. The leader of the experience, Michael Shaw, is a practicing sculptor himself alongside working as the curator of exhibits at Burghley House Sculpture Garden, and teaches at both the Universities of Derby and Loughborough.Miss Rachel Tomlinson, Art Teacher at Stamford School, commented: “The trip provided our students with an excellent insight as to how an exhibit is curated over a year long process. To round the day off, the students were able to practically apply what they had learnt through an opportunity to develop and create their own exhibit concepts, positively cementing the insights they had gleaned from Michael throughout the day.”