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Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30
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Wednesday 31st January 2024
In December 2023 we received the great news that Sam Hilder (OS 21) passed out from Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth and is embarking on a career as a Royal Navy Warfare Officer. On his receiving his sword for the passing out ceremony, Sam explained the following:
"My sword has my name and pass out date etched into the blade. It is tradition to have a family motto or Latin phrase written there too, and since my family hasn’t got a motto, I looked to my extended family for inspiration."
“Sam Joseph Hilder
Christ Me Spede
14th December 2023”
Sam gave us some insight into how it feels to serve in the Royal Navy and how his time at Stamford helped him. He told us:
“Starting my new career feels absolutely fantastic! Passing out has been a relief as it’s been a long journey to get to this point. It is exciting joining the Royal Navy at this time, as you don’t know where you’ll end up. I’m looking forward to being an Officer of the Watch and taking our ships to every corner of the world. Stamford School gave me the social tools to be able to work well within a team and help lead ratings in the future. It also helped develop my foreign language skills which is something that is definitely sought after by the armed forces. I think it’s important students at the school make the most of the schools’ CCF, especially if they’re looking for a career in the military as it develops a sense of community and builds the tools useful in this field.”
Our congratulations to Sam on a marvellous achievement. The motto on the sword is a wonderful touch too, and really shows how much Stamford School can mean to people.