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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 8th February 2022

Announcement from the Stamford Endowed Schools | 13 January 2022

The Governors of the Stamford Endowed Schools have announced their intention to restructure the diamond-model Stamford Endowed Schools as a fully co-educational School.The Governors believe that a fully co-educational environment now represents a more relevant educational model for young people, and now wish to extend co-educational provision to all year groups.A scoping exercise will be carried out during the course of the Spring term 2022, the findings of which will allow the Governors and Executive to determine detailed views on the process before plans are finalised.The exercise will help Governors and the Executive to consider the most appropriate timescales for the change, and to ensure that any specific concerns from parents, students and staff can be identified and addressed. Several hundred current and prospective parents, staff, and students will be involved in the scoping exercise.The project is being carried out by RSAcademics, a specialist consultancy with expertise in independent schools’ strategy, and one of the leading research authorities in the sector. Preparation for the exercise will begin immediately, with staff and parent participation expected to commence in the second half of January, and students in early February.The scoping exercise will be completed by Easter this year, and headline findings will be shared with the School community in the first half of the summer term.Please click here to read our FAQs, and to find out more about the scoping exercise.