Book for our Discovery Mornings

Discovery Mornings are a chance to explore the Schools on a normal working day.

You and your family will tour the School in the company of one of our pupils and will meet the Principal and senior team over tea and coffee.

Junior School (Reception – Year 6):
Wednesday 15 May 8.45am – 10am

Senior School (Year 7 – Year 11):
Wednesday 15 May 10am – 11.30am

Spaces at a Discovery Morning are limited so that you can have as much time as you need to see the School at your own pace and discuss your child as an individual.

Shop Stamford

Shop Stamford

#ShopStamford, set up in 2017, is a locally-run initiative, created to raise awareness of and to promote the town’s independent retailers and traders.

Find out more

Run on a voluntary basis by these businesses, they have raised the town's profile still further, and in 2019 'The Little Book of Stamford' was launched to ensure that visitors were fully 'in the know' and could squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of their visit.

Though the pandemic inevitably created many challenges, it also made people still more aware of the massive benefits of a market town - open spaces, community, friendly service, style and beauty. These challenging times have also sparked much innovation - more 'indies' have been launched in the town over the last year than any year before, upwards of 50!